The Little Angel Raphaelo
In the Kingdom of God, in the realm of the guardian angels, there are large, fully-grown angels and also little ones. This story tells of a small angel named Raphaelo. Raphaelo had small wings. You must know that wings are a symbol for angels: the larger the wings become, the more they have gained in wisdom, clarity, and light. For even angels must go to school.
This school is different from that of humans. The angels learn there how to use spirituality and how to handle their energy. The little angel in our story was very knowledgeable about the matters of Earth and was very curious. He wasn't a guardian angel for a human yet, but his greatest wish was to serve on Earth one day. He could hardly wait to finally go there.
One day, he went to God and said, “Dear God, please send me to Earth, for I want to serve there. I have learned enough.”
God smiled and asked him, “Raphaelo, is that truly your will?”
“Yes, God, it is my heart's desire. I would love to be a guardian angel for someone.”
God nodded understandingly and replied, “If it is your deepest wish, Raphaelo, then I will gladly send you to Earth. But know that Earth is not easy. It is a place of matter, and pain exists there as well. Are you aware of this?”
Raphaelo affirmed, “Yes, I have learned a lot about humans and their ways. I know what they are like.”
God continued, “You know that humans are often led by fear, and that energy can also affect you angels sometimes, especially when you are not yet ready.”
The little angel answered confidently, “Yes, God, I am ready. I can do this.”
God smiled again, “Good, Raphaelo. I want to send you to a small dog, who might need an angel like you. He will be born in two days, and if you wish, you can accompany him.”
Raphaelo was surprised: “To a dog? I... I had hoped to serve a human. There can't be much to do with such a little dog.”
God looked at him lovingly: “Raphaelo?”
The little angel lowered his gaze: “Yes, God, sorry. If you think it is right, I will take on the task.”
“You don't need to apologize,” God said gently. “If you take on this task, you will learn much. Trust me.”
Raphaelo returned thoughtfully to his place. “To a dog,” he thought, “what could possibly happen?”
He wanted to distinguish himself with bravery, to be assigned to something courageous and maybe even receive a medal, so that his wings would grow. A little dog didn’t seem like the challenge he had hoped for. But although he loved all animals – for angels only know love – he still longed to have larger wings.
After calming down, he sought out the great angel Sandonia, who was responsible for assigning angels to the material world. Sandonia was already expecting him, as he knew of Raphaelo’s new task.
“So, my little angel,” Sandonia began kindly, “are you ready?”
Raphaelo nodded hesitantly: “Yes, I am ready.”
“In two days, you will be sent down. Are you sure you want to take on this task? You can still reconsider.”
Raphaelo took a deep breath: “Yes, I want to do it. Even if it is 'just' a dog.”
Sandonia smiled wisely: “'Just' a dog, you say? You will see that every task comes with its own challenges.”
The two days passed, and Raphaelo was sent down to Earth through a long, radiant tunnel of light. No sooner had he arrived than he saw a newborn puppy emerging from its mother’s womb. It was a small mixed breed, black and white, and Raphaelo smiled as he saw how helpless the little puppy was.
The puppy didn’t have a name yet but was already trying to stand on its wobbly legs. The mother lovingly licked him, while three children ran over. Excitedly, they looked at the newborn puppies, which were up for adoption.
The oldest boy, Max, shouted excitedly: “Mom, Mom! I want that one!” He pointed right at the little puppy that Raphaelo was supposed to protect.
The mother looked skeptical: “But he looks a bit... odd. Are you sure you don’t want one of the others?”
Max shook his head determinedly: “No, I want him exactly! I think he’s beautiful.”
The mother sighed but couldn’t resist her son’s wish: “Well, if you’re sure.”
She bought the little dog, and Max happily took him in his arms. Raphaelo followed them home invisibly. No one could see the shining angel, with his golden curls and his glowing green eyes, hovering above them.
Max lived with his family on a large farm. There were many animals there: cows, chickens, and also an old farm dog. Raphaelo heard the old dog growl: “Who is this newcomer? They surely want to replace me now!”
The little puppy shivered in fear. Raphaelo sensed his fear and gently laid his hands on him. Immediately, the puppy felt more secure and looked around curiously. He couldn’t directly see the angel, but he felt his loving presence.
The old dog kept growling suspiciously, but when Raphaelo smiled at him, his tension eased. He trotted off and left the newcomer in peace.
Max named his new friend Felix. In the first few days, he lovingly cared for him, feeding him and playing with him. But over time, Max began to lose interest. He spent more time with his friends and neglected Felix.
One day, Max’s friends came to visit. Bored, they searched for something to do.
“What could we do?” asked one of the boys.
Another suggested: “Let’s play a bit with your dog! How about we put him in a sack and see what happens?”
Max hesitated: “I’m not sure...”
But the friends insisted: “Come on, it’ll be fun!”
Reluctantly, Max agreed. They got a large potato sack, put Felix inside, and tied it shut. The little dog yelped in fear, while the boys laughed.
Raphaelo watched the scene with concern. He wanted to intervene, but he wasn’t allowed to interfere with the free will of humans. Instead, he tried to influence Max.
“Max,” he whispered softly in his ear, “this isn’t right. Please, let Felix go.”
Max felt uncomfortable but shook off the feeling. The boys had already decided to roll the sack down the hill.
“This will be fun!” one of them shouted.
They pushed the sack, and it rolled down the hill. Felix yelped desperately, while the boys could barely contain their laughter.
At the bottom, they left Felix lying there and ran off. Raphaelo was horrified. He carefully untied the string, and Felix jumped out, scared and shaken.
“Thank you,” he whimpered softly.
“Everything will be fine,” Raphaelo reassured him. “I am with you.”
When Max came home that evening, he was surprised to see Felix running free. He wondered how the dog had gotten out of the sack but said nothing.
A few days later, the friends had a new idea.
“Let’s throw Felix into the river and see if he can swim!” suggested one of them.
Max protested: “The river is dangerous! The current is too strong.”
But the friends only laughed: “He’ll manage just fine.”
Despite his discomfort, Max let himself be persuaded again. They carried Felix to the river and threw him in. The little dog struggled desperately against the strong current.
Raphaelo was beside himself. He tried once again to reach Max, but the boy was not receptive to his whisperings. In his desperation, the angel called for help.
“Please, you good beings, help me!” he cried out to the world.
Suddenly, three gnomes appeared: Glatzi, Butzi, and Wadunat.
“We heard your call, little angel,” they said. “We will save Felix.”
With their magical boat, they sailed onto the river and pulled the exhausted dog from the water. They brought him to shore and took care of him.
Raphaelo was overjoyed: “Thank you, thank you! You saved him.”
The gnomes smiled: “It was our pleasure. But Felix needs a new home, where he will be loved and respected.”
The little angel nodded decisively: “I will find someone.”
He set off in search and flew over the nearby village. That night, he saw a house from which a warm light shone. The soul of the resident radiated bright love.
“That’s the one,” whispered Raphaelo.
It was an elderly woman who lived alone. Her sons had fallen in the war, and her husband had died many years before. Loneliness accompanied her every day.
Raphaelo brought Felix to her house and gently placed him by the door. He surrounded the basket with an energy of love and hope.
The next morning, the woman opened the door to get her milk and, surprised, found the little dog.
“Oh, what do we have here?” she said gently.
Felix looked up at her with big, grateful eyes. She carefully picked him up and immediately felt a deep connection.
“You poor thing,” she whispered. “Come inside, I will take care of you.”
From that day on, the two were inseparable. The woman named him Felix, meaning “the lucky one.” She nursed him back to health, and he brought joy and warmth into her life.
Raphaelo watched the two of them and felt deep peace. He had completed his task. With a satisfied smile, he returned to the heavenly realm.
Sandonia was already waiting for him: “Welcome back, Raphaelo. How was your time on Earth?”
The little angel beamed: “I learned so much! I thought a little dog wouldn’t be a big challenge, but I’ve realized that every being deserves love and care.”
The great angel nodded approvingly: “You fulfilled your task brilliantly. Your wings have grown.”
Indeed, Raphaelo noticed that his wings had become larger and stronger. He felt fulfilled and ready for new tasks.
“I hope Max has learned something too,” he added thoughtfully. “That animals deserve to be treated with respect.”
Sandonia placed a hand on his shoulder: “The seeds have been planted. Max has his own guardian angel who will help him learn this lesson.”
The Message of the Story:
Everything on Earth feels just like you. Therefore, be respectful towards animals and plants. Love them and honor them with respect and care. Give them shelter and attention. What you wish for yourself, you should also give to other beings. Know that everything has its own angel.
My dear earthly children, human children, everything has its own angel – this is the essence of this story. You too have your own personal angel. Start making contact with him, talk to him, call your angel. Pay attention to him, light a candle and say:
“Dear angel, I thank you for being there.”
Send gratitude and love, and your angel will reveal himself in wonderful ways. He will tell you his name; he will show you his face. If you have problems and worries, share them with your guardian angel, and he will help you! Trust in God and the angels and be in love.
Was sind Chemtrails?
Chemtrails ist eine Wortschöpfung aus „Contrails“ (Kondensstreifen) und „Chemicals“. Die Theorie besagt, dass eine Schattenregierung das Wetter manipuliert, indem sie Chemtrails versprüht. Einige behaupten sogar, dass sie dazu dienen, die Menschen zu vergiften. Ich persönlich glaube jedoch nicht, dass das die primäre Absicht ist.
Erste Wahrnehmungen
Mein erstes bewusstes Erlebnis mit Chemtrails hatte ich 2003, als ich bemerkte, dass die Kondensstreifen ungewöhnlich breit waren und nicht verschwanden. In den 90er Jahren kannte ich nur dünne Streifen, die schnell verschwanden. Doch ab Anfang der 2000er Jahre änderte sich dies: Die Streifen wurden breiter und bildeten ein Netz, das den Himmel milchig bedeckte und die Sonne blockierte.
Historische Bezüge
Ein paar Jahre später stieß ich auf ein US-Patent von 1975 zur Verbreitung pulverisierten Materials in Kondensstreifen. Bereits in den 80er Jahren führte das US-Militär Tests mit Chemtrails durch. Das machte mich stutzig: Könnten diese seltsamen Streifen das Ergebnis einer Militärsprühaktion sein? Besonders angesichts der Tatsache, dass heute im EU-Parlament offen über Geoengineering diskutiert wird, liegt der Schluss nahe, dass hier mehr im Gange sein könnte, als wir denken.
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Argumente gegen Chemtrails
Gegner der Chemtrail-Theorie argumentieren oft, dass der gestiegene Flugverkehr für die vermehrten Kondensstreifen verantwortlich sei. Doch das erklärt nicht die veränderte Qualität der Streifen. In den 90ern gab es ebenfalls viel Flugverkehr, jedoch keine solch dicken Streifen.
Ein weiteres häufiges Argument gegen die Theorie ist die Unmöglichkeit, eine so große Operation geheim zu halten. Das würde die Koordination vieler Menschen erfordern, ohne dass jemals konkrete Beweise oder Whistleblower auftauchen.
Ein plausibles Szenario
Was, wenn Chemtrails durch eine Beigabe im Kerosin entstehen? Eine Dokumentation eines unabhängigen Reporters ergab, dass in Kerosin ungewöhnliche Mengen von Aluminium und Barium gefunden wurden – Stoffe, die dort nicht sein sollten. Dies könnte eine plausiblere Erklärung für die beobachteten Phänomene sein.
Die dunkle Agenda hinter Chemtrails
Man fragt sich: Warum sollte eine Regierung die Bevölkerung reduzieren oder das Klima manipulieren wollen? Historisch betrachtet gab es immer machthungrige Menschen, die aus ideologischen Gründen zu extremen Maßnahmen griffen. Die Chemtrail-Theorie könnte jedoch noch viel tiefer gehen: Es könnte eine Absicht dahinterstecken, die Sonne abzublocken und den Aufstieg der Menschheit zu verhindern.
Wir stehen vor einer tiefgreifenden Transformation, und die dunklen Kräfte wollen diese verhindern, indem sie uns in Angst halten. Der Chemtrail-Prozess könnte Teil eines größeren Plans sein, der die Menschheit davon abhalten soll, einen Bewusstseinssprung zu machen.
Was können wir tun?
Angesichts einer globalen Agenda fühlt man sich oft machtlos. Ich hatte das tiefste Verlangen, etwas dagegen zu tun und stieß auf die Forschung von Wilhelm Reich über Orgon und die Entwicklung der Chembuster. Diese Geräte sollen atmosphärische Störungen neutralisieren.
Ich entwickelte die Akasha-Säule, eine Weiterentwicklung der Chembuster, die Orgon-Technologie mit spirituellem Wissen vereint. Die Akasha-Säule kann das energetische Gleichgewicht der Erde wiederherstellen und hilft, die negativen Einflüsse der Chemtrails zu neutralisieren.
Die Diskussion um Chemtrails zeigt, wie wichtig es ist, offen für verschiedene Perspektiven zu bleiben und gleichzeitig kritisch zu hinterfragen, was uns präsentiert wird. Für diejenigen, die aktiv etwas tun möchten, bieten sich Lösungen wie die Akasha-Säule an.
Ich danke dir fürs Lesen und hoffe, dass dieser Beitrag neue Perspektiven eröffnet hat.
Euer Oliver