With the Healing and Tranquility of Water

The Aquamarine - or Aquarius - has long been used as a healing and protective stone and still remains one of the important healing stones today. According to legend, it comes from the treasure chest of a mermaid, which is where its name originates. The name translates to "sea water." The ancient Arabs valued it as the "stone of joy," which imparts a harmonious balance to the wearer. In Greece, the stone holds high symbolic power for luck, love, and purity. Due to its ability to change color from light to dark, it is said to distinguish between truth and falsehood, thereby warning against false friends. This gemstone is also considered a protective stone against seasickness; even Hildegard von Bingen, the famous figure in medieval stone healing, used aquamarine as a healing stone. Additionally, this gemstone is highly sought after as a jewelry stone and is regarded as a variety of beryl. Therefore, it still belongs to the most important healing stones today. Its effects are widely appreciated - the gemstone symbolizes peace and spiritual growth. It also helps with depressive episodes. Other positive properties include strengthening self-confidence and composure. Additionally, it assists the wearer in building endurance, perseverance, and personal foresight. The healing stone also promotes intuition and brings calmness. Therefore, the stone can help to solidify love and loyalty in long-term relationships.
Aquamarine - Formation and Occurrence of the Gemstone
Aquamarine is composed of the rare mineral beryllium, which combines with aluminum, oxygen, and silicon. The stone forms hydrothermally with a concentration of beryllium in magmatic silica. The small amounts of iron in aquamarine are responsible for its coloration. The stone is commonly found in Afghanistan, Brazil, India, and Pakistan, Nigeria and Madagascar, Mozambique and Zambia, as well as in Russia and the USA. The main source of aquamarine is in Brazil. To unleash its full effect, the stone should ideally be held under running water every day. For recharging, especially after repeated use, it can be exposed to sunlight. Aquamarine necklaces can be cleaned and discharged overnight using aquamarine and hematite tumbling stones.
The Application and Effectiveness of Aquamarine - Including a Strengthening Chakra
If the stone has been soaked in water overnight, the aquamarine water can be directly applied to the wearer's skin. Another option is to mix hot aquamarine water with lemon and chamomile to use it externally for sore throats or eye ailments. In the form of a necklace, it is advisable to wear aquamarine continuously on the body. Creating strong gemstone water containing aquamarine is another way to alleviate corresponding ailments. The aquamarine is placed in a gemstone bowl and brought to a boil with water - a gemstone disc can also be used. Aquamarine has its best effect on the throat chakra; however, it can also be applied to the heart chakra. In meditation, aquamarine grants clarity; it can inspire enthusiasm and happiness. Aquamarine is also considered the primary stone for the zodiac signs Libra and Aquarius. For Libra, aquamarine grants spiritual freedom and makes individual wishes come true. For Aquarius, the gemstone brings inner harmony and the feeling of limitless freedom.