Malachite - Healing and Self-Love
With Malachite, the user receives a gemstone that not only brings a noticeable increase in joy for life but also strengthens organs like the heart. After all, this stone is known and cherished not only as a pure gemstone but also as a healing stone. Malachite is also known by its synonyms such as Mountain Green, Atlas Ore, and Midwife's Stone; as Copper Green and Copper Hydrophane; Copper Ochre, Green Copper Water, or Slate Green. Malachites belong to the stone family of the same name and often display green to multicolored hues. The name of this gemstone comes from the Greek word "Malache," which also refers to the mallow plant, and the stone's color closely resembles the foliage of this flower. Malachites were known and sought after in ancient Greece, the old Chinese Empire, among the Romans, as well as the ancient Egyptians and Mayans. Pliny the Elder once described it under the name "Molochites."
The Gemstone as an Art and Healing Object
The ancient Egyptians knew how to craft magical art objects such as amulets and scarabs from Malachite. They also used it in finely ground form as eyeshadow. Up until the Middle Ages, Malachite was even processed into gold glue, which was excellent for soldering gold jewelry. According to ancient traditions, the stone is also referred to as the "Midwife's Stone," as it is believed to minimize labor pains. Malachite is not only sought after as a jewelry gemstone but also served as a pigment supplier in painting. For thousands of years, the stone has been mined in the form of copper ore. Malachite has a unique feature called pleochroism, meaning it can shimmer in different depths of color depending on the viewing angle. With its properties, Malachite is considered one of the most important healing stones of all.

Formation and Composition of Malachite
Malachite is a type of copper carbonate that forms as a weathering product in the oxidation environment of copper deposits. It often appears in association with azurite, which can transform into malachite through water absorption. These combinations of the two minerals are known as azurite-malachite. Malachite consists of green, banded layers whose color varies depending on the viewing angle. The healing stone is composed of up to 50 percent copper, which determines its unique color. The main deposits of malachite are found in several countries worldwide, with the primary source still being the African nation of Zaire.
A Healing Stone with a Special Aura – Charging, Discharging, and the Associated Chakras
This stone stimulates the user's imagination while also enhancing perception and concentration. It promotes understanding of the environment and reveals feelings and needs that the user may have suppressed. Balance and joy in life are increased – overall, malachite helps improve quality of life and can contribute to a harmonious partnership. Malachite is also a comforting companion during heartbreak. The gemstone should only be used externally and applied to the skin. Note: Malachite water and malachite powder are toxic. Therefore, when preparing gemstone water, always follow the correct preparation method. A malachite stone is best discharged overnight with a hematite tumbling stone. It can be recharged using a clear quartz crystal. Caution: Prolonged exposure to water can dull the malachite's shine, and extended sun exposure can cause it to fade. Malachite can be used for any chakra, but it is most effective on the heart chakra, which is considered the main chakra. Other chakras include the throat chakra, the third eye, the sacral and solar plexus chakras, the crown chakra, and the root chakra.
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