The Throat Chakra
Attribute: Communication and Expression
Color: Light Blue, Turquoise
Element: Ether
Sensory Function: Hearing
Gland: Thyroid
Stones: Aquamarine, Turquoise, Apatite, Chalcedony, Blue Topaz, Chrysocolla, Amazonite, Kyanite
Vishuddha, also known as the Throat Chakra, is located in the middle of the neck above the larynx. The Throat Chakra is the center of communication, creative self-expression, self-determination, and independence.
This chakra is responsible for communication skills, eloquence, and the ability to express oneself, encompassing everything related to sound. It enables a person to express their thoughts and feelings through voice and music. It connects us with creativity and opens us to subtle dimensions.
An activated Throat Chakra is manifested in strong communication skills. This does not refer to superficial chatter, but the ability to understand oneself and others and to make oneself understood by others. An active Throat Chakra enables a person to listen attentively. They are open to discussions and able to talk about their feelings. People with a balanced Throat Chakra are very creative and open to inspiration.
Disruptions or blockages in this chakra can manifest as:
- Difficulty in putting feelings and thoughts into words
- Fear of expressing one’s own opinion
- Inhibitions
- Shyness
- No connection to the inner voice
- Sore throat
- Throat and tonsil infections
- Hoarseness
- Speech disorders, e.g., stuttering
- Mouth, gum, and jaw infections
- Pain in the cervical spine
- Neck and shoulders
- Overactive/underactive thyroid and associated disorders such as nervousness, lack of drive